13344 Lincoln Way, Auburn CA 95603
(530) 888-0202
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed: Sunday, Monday
Open by appointment also, please call
Directions to Store Click Here
Auburn Needlework Store Policies
- Returns/Cancelled orders are for store credit only, no refunds. Shipping is Non-Refundable. All items returned for credit must be made no later than 30 days after purchase date and be accompanied by the store receipt. Any item received after 30 days will not be accepted for return.
- All returned items: accessories, boxes, bags, threads and yarn must be in their original condition; unopened, undamaged, and unused, (in the case of yarn, unwound). Otherwise item(s) will not be accepted for Store Credit.
- No returns on: books, needles, buttons, notions, sale/discontinued or trunk show items.
Special Orders
- Special orders for items that are normally not carried in the store will be required to be paid in advance
- All special orders greater than $100 will require a 50%, non-refundable, deposit at time the order is placed.
Walk in Help
- ANW welcomes the opportunity to help our customers. We always provide FREE help for quick fixes with knitting, weaving, needlepoint, crochet, etc. However, if it is determined the problem may take longer; we will schedule a private lesson with one of our experts. This allows our staff the time to meet the needs of all our customers.
ANW Loyalty Program - this program is temporarily suspended until further notice
- Credit on the ANW loyalty card is given to sale of full priced merchandise only. (Classes, finishing, discounted merchandise, System 4, Lowery Workstand and Ashford looms are not eligible for credit on the loyalty card)