13344 Lincoln Way, Auburn CA 95603
(530) 888-0202
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed: Sunday, Monday
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Needlepoint > Threads > Alpaca
Use this as you would any normal yarn. It is strong and will not fray easily. If desired, you may brush it with a Bunka Brush or toothbrush to fluff it up to maximize the furry effect. (1 strand 13-18 count)
Needlepoint 14 to 18 Count
Cross Stitch 11 Count Aida
100% Fine Alpaca
12 Yards. Natural
18 Undyed Colors
Hand Washable
Use this as you would any normal yarn. It is strong and will not fray easily. If desired, you may brush it with a Bunka Brush or toothbrush to fluff it up to maximize the furry effect. (1 strand 13-18 count)
Needlepoint 14 to 18 Count
Cross Stitch 11 Count Aida
100% Fine Alpaca
12 Yards. Natural
18 Undyed Colors
Hand Washable
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