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Straw Silk
Needlepoint > Threads > Straw Silk
Silk Road Fibers is a hand-dyed and hand-painted 100% straw silk fiber. It’s quickly becoming a favorite stitching fiber for needlepoint and surface embroidery. Straw Silk stitches beautifully into a 13 or 18 count canvas. It can be plied out or stitched as is to create rough texture or stitched flat to be a smooth as silky satin!
Silk Road Fibers is a hand-dyed and hand-painted 100% straw silk fiber. It’s quickly becoming a favorite stitching fiber for needlepoint and surface embroidery. Straw Silk stitches beautifully into a 13 or 18 count canvas. It can be plied out or stitched as is to create rough texture or stitched flat to be a smooth as silky satin!
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