13344 Lincoln Way, Auburn CA 95603
(530) 888-0202
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed: Sunday, Monday
Open by appointment also, please call
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Zauberball Starke 6 2250
Schoppel Wolle Zauberball Starke 6 is a Dk weight version of Zauberball Crazy yarn. Each ply is dyed in a different color lending a soft marl effect to the yarn. Zauberball Starke 6 has long fabulous colorways and is for thicker socks, shawls, scarves and hats. Yarn Facts Weight: DK/Sport, 150g Yardage: 437yds Fiber Content: 75% Virgin Wool, 25% Nylon Care: Machine washable.